Can You Wear Tampons With a UTI – Clear Your Doubts About UTI

Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are one of the most common types of bacterial infections in women. On average, one out of two women has had a urinary tract infection. And poor menstrual hygiene can further increase the risk of getting a UTI. Since absorbable cotton pads that are chemical-free and breathable may help prevent UTIs in women prone to infections during their menstrual period, using a tampon may worsen the symptoms for someone who is already infected.
Can You Wear Tampons With a UTI
Women usually have a bunch of queries when it comes to maintaining good menstrual hygiene and preventing UTI. Here we aim to answer some of the most frequently asked questions regarding UTIs and menstrual hygiene:
Can a UTI Stop Your Period?
Missing a period can be quite frightening. Even more, if you have UTI. However, it is a relief that an infection in the urinary tract is not the direct cause of missed periods. Instead, things like physical stress, excessive exercise, drastic change in body weight, hormonal imbalance, chronic disease, or emotional trauma, a woman can experience an irregular menstrual cycle.
It is essential to seek medical assistance if you have missed more than three consecutive periods. Visit a gynaecologist even if you experience any severe symptoms.
Can a UTI Delay Your Period?
Having a UTI does not delay your period. However, the stress and anxiety caused by the infection can delay your period. A delayed period is usually linked to pregnancy. But, there can be many reasons behind delayed periods, such as hormonal imbalances or severe medical conditions. There are commonly twice when an average girl/woman experiences an irregular menstrual cycle: menarche and menopause. Usually, women have a menstrual cycle that lasts around 28 days. However, one should not worry if their menstrual cycle ranges from 21 to 35 days.
Can You Get a UTI From Tampons?
Tampons do not directly cause a UTI. However, tampons and even cotton pads that are not changed frequently can promote bacterial growth, which can, in turn, increase your risk of getting a UTI. A feminine product should be changed every 6 hours to avoid infections.
According to studies, UTIs are commonly caused by bacteria living in the colon. The short distance between the anus and vagina makes women more vulnerable to urinary tract infections. This risk can be further increased during menstruation when the estrogen levels are low.
Closing Remarks
There are a few things that can help you prevent UTI while menstruating. While using a tampon, be sure that the tampon string is in place while pulling up your underwear. The string can fold, and in case there are some bacteria on the opening, it can cause an infection in the urethra. Other than this, one should keep themselves clean and dry while also ensuring that they use intimate products free of parabens and dyes.
We hope that this information will help you understand the link between UTI, menstruation, and feminine hygiene.